The beauty of this
world is because of life. Life is shining with colors. Even sky is filled with
lots of beautiful stars and looks very beautiful but when ever clouds comes
they makes sky more beautiful then ever .When
Blue and black clouds appears on the sky
the weather becomes very beautiful .Even every human and every bird feels good
and happy .It looks that these clouds becomes source of new life .When dust and sharp twinkles
destroyed the beauty of
greenery and life then cloud become the
source of rain to wash everything and makes every plant green and more beautiful then ever .It makes every thing
clean and beautiful .These clouds are the massage of new life in this world
.These clouds brings the love of God to this world. Specially in summer when clouds appears on sky
every one and every bird feels good .Birds like to fly and sing in cloudy
weather .Last Friday I was at Lahore and at that day in Lahore the weather was
so beautiful it was because dark black clouds were showering rain and cleaning
everything. Religion says that the rain is the sign of God's love and for rain
clouds becomes the source of God's love .Some times the sharp light of sun burns everything even human
skins also then humans felt need for rain then God shower His love on this
earth by rain .Clouds
are the beauty of Nature .ore hand made beauty can destroy but the beauty that
God created Himself can not be destroy ever because God loves life and He
Himself makes it beautiful .