there is one thing which is disturbing my life and thinking .Yesterday i was working and a car painter told me that we have to live with fear of God ,I said why he replied fear of God is the thing which makes us away from sins and brings us close to God .Even i am not agree at this point it is because each and every religion tells us that God loves us in every conditions even God love us with all of our sins and mistakes and He never let us alone ever .But on the other hands religions makes us fearful about God .Islam is a religion where you may get the lots of examples about the fear of God and the fear of the end of this world .Same as Hinduism and Christianity also teaches about the fear of God .Friends i want to ask you a question
.Do we really need to live our lives in fear of God ?or
Do we need to live our lives in love of God?
I think most of you will reply we have to live in both fear and love also but i don,t think so it s because the creation of this world and creation of humans on earth is because of God,s Love .There is no space for fear in humans and God .It is because if you will love to your God you may come close to Him freely and you may ask Him anything what you want .God loves you and everyone because he makes you alive with His strong love .So please Grow your life in love of God regather then the fear.Love is the thing which makes your life happy and interesting and you may really enjoy your life fully .There is only love of God not fear because God loves you that is why He accepts you in every condition even with your sins .So please love your life and love to God because your life is the greatest example of the love of God .