The changing s of weather makes great impact on humans life .It is the system of this world that every thing do not remains same ever .same as the weather .The weather do not remains same whole year .But sometimes when people do not expect rain and suddenly dark black clouds comes from anywhere and rain starts it makes happy everyone not only humans but it makes beautiful everything .But sometime extra rain can make some problem in human life
loves rain .It is because the weather becomes beautiful when rain starts .It
looks like everything is taking bath .Rain cleans everything even fields ,trees
and make them more help to grow and become more green then ever .Like everyone
I like rain very much and my little daughter also love to enjoy rain very much
.Today is
rainy day in my area the whole day rain did not stop till now.
At after
noon my daughter Racka was enjoying in the rain .At that time i remembered my
childhood and teenage life .I like to take bath in the rain, because every one like and remembered his own childhood and teenage time. Friends i like rain very much but
now some time i wet in the rain when i have no umbrella but i like the rain
bath only in summer season rain .Friends do you
like rain?
would you like to take bath in the rain specially summer rain .Because
I know ,specially in hot countries people loves rain in summer and when rain
comes everyone comes out from their house and like to enjoy in rain .Young boys
even like to play games in rain .Cool and fresh air make their body relax and
makes mind happy .But here in Sri Lanka where I am living now the rain starts
every day and even did not stop sometime for 24 hours . Each and every time even good or bad time we have to say thanks to God for all his blessings .
The Photo is taken from.
The Photo is taken from.
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