The beauty of life and beauty of this world is is actually one thing .Each and every one love his life more then any thing of this world .God is great ,It is because He is the only one who made all these things just for life .Life is because of God .With out life our body have no value .The most biggest blessing of God on this earth is only and only life .Even every thing on this earth is just for life .God wants to see cheering life on this planet .
We the people do not pay attention on the value of life ever .The fact is that we may indulge in our desires and running our life behind our desire.We do not cares even each and every day is making more problems in our life .But there is only one thing which is creating lots of problems in humans life that is money .We may running our lives behind the money .It looks that money is more then life .Even we knows that no one can pay for life .but we just know that money is the only thing which can make our all desire fulfill .That is why in order to get money people do not feel fear to do criminal activities and even some are feel fearless after killing others just for money .
I know that money can fulfill our desire but in my own opinion life is more then money .Life is the greatest blessing of God .We have to say thanks always to God for this beautiful life and for the beauty of this world .I realize that all these beauty is just for life .These beautiful snowing mountains green trees ,fruits ,green fields ,waterfalls ,rains .clouds and different kinds of flowers .All these blessings just for life
Just we have to think and we have to be thankful to God for all his blessing .And you know all these blessings are free of any cost .No one need to pay to enjoy these blessing .but we did not realize that in return of all these blessing God do not requires anything from us .You know why .It is because God loves life and He wants to see happy ,cheering and joyful life on earth .So feel the love of God and enjoy your life .Go
d bless you all.(the link blow is about upload picture.)