Learning process is the best
friend of life because it is very important part of life is to learn about
things even age dose not effects the learning process .Every one in this world
is learning about something .This process starts with life and it ends with
life .but in childhood age learning process works fast
.I really understand
now that how important to learn in life .When I was child I got lots of
knowledge about various things and about life but I really still do not
understand some things about life .Last evening when I was coming back to my
home I was in rickshaw and I was just observing people .I saw lots of people
moving here and there then one thing clicked on my mind .Why it is important to
everyone to move back every evening to their homes even they have to go back to
work place tomorrow morning again .Why they do not stay at the place where they
works .and then a voice came from my heart that peace and relaxation that we
can get at home we do not get that peace and relaxation at work place .In this
world home is a place where we can spend our life as we wants .i mean without
ant restrictions .It is the rule of nature that every evening everyone even
animals and birds returns back to their nests and houses.Same as humans also
returns back to their houses .Nature also becomes the source of learning for
humans .Nature just gives hints and we get knowledge from nature .When clouds
comes then we may understand that rain will shower soon .Same as when cool
breeze blow then we may understand the changing of weather .These things gives
knowledge to life .This life is not simple and easy it is very difficult but
the one important thing with this life is that this life is too much beautiful
.Even we do not understand everything about life in our whole life but I know
this life is for shining on earth .So cheer in your life and try to learn more
about life and enjoy your life with full warm.
The link is about picture.