The meaning of relationship is very deep .Commonly people did not take any notice and ignores their relations specially when new people enters in their lives they like to leave their old friends and relations easily and they do not feel any shame and they took no any notice what they are losing and what they are getting .This thing is common in all societies of this world . People do not cares about their old relations and they like to move forward .Love is the most uniquest and bets relationship of life it is because there is only love who fills life with joys and makes our relation with life more strong then ever.but when love leaves us alone then life becomes hell and we may lost the real charm of our life even some people like to finish their lives with their own hands .
In Europe and USA boys and girls falls in love very quickly and they leave each other quickly and moves forward .One of my friend from Europe told me her story she was very upset and was saying why people like to flirt.She told me that the man she love suddenly leave her alone without any reason and moved forward . Loyalty is the base of love relationship .Perfect person is he who can not live without his beloved .Everyone knows emotions have great role in life but emotions become very high in love relationship .It does,t matter what type of your relationship is but in both conditions love emotions works very strongly .In my own opinion love relationship is the blessing of God but if someone thinks that love is game that he is real devil and save your live from these types of devils .There are lot of devils who are just like to play with body and life but they do not understands the real meaning of love and emotions .Friends our every decision have great role in our future life so chose your life partner or lover carefully because wrong person can play with your emotions and life .This life is one time life and you have to live wit with full of joy because this life is great blessing of God Almighty.