It is human nature that he always blame God for all their problems .Even when someone died people says It was the will of God .There is a big point on my mind .Do you really think that death comes from God ?and human death is the will of God? //////////
The follower of religion might says yes at this point but they do not know that Holy Bile says Death is not the creation of God ..This thing shows that God did not create death He created life and always wants life cheering and happy .At this point some people might think then from where death comes ?The holy Bible says The labor of sin is death .There is only one thing which makes human separated humans and God and that is only sin ,There is only sim which God do not like and sin is the only thing which becomes the source of human death .God knows this thing that there is only sin which makes life dead and finish that is why God do not like Sin .This is the cause that God forbid humans from sins .This life is unique and beautiful and it comes from God and God always wants to see life happy and cheering .Friend pay attentions on your own actions and do not blame God ever for your any problem even for your love once death .
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