Are You Best In The World Like CM Punk?

It is human nature that he struggled very hard to make him best and successful in this world without caring How long he will live alive .Yes this is good thing because it brings some twist in human life and man becomes able to use his abilities in different fields .Every one trying to prove himself in his field .If we shell ask a question to everyone that who is best in this world then we shell get one answer from all that he is best in this world .I am a big fan of wrestling entertainments .It is because wrestling is a game of power and fight where wrestlers proves that nothing is impossible for human beings .Yes there is a very smart man called CM Punk .He is a great wrestler and he got title ,The best in the world .I saw lots of his wrestling matches and he proved himself that he is best wrestler in this world .

Sam as lots of people proving themselves in different fields of life and i believes they all are best in this world .You know why?. It is all because of the blessings of God .He gifted different qualities to each and every single person in this world .For example i can sing well ,other can play well someone can do some hard work and someone can teach well .All these abilities makes each and every single person best in this world.

We have to find out ourselves what is specialty in our own life .Because there is only our abilities who makes us best in this world .Nothing is impossible for human beings it is because everyone have some extra abilities in him just he need to find out those abilities ..Do you want to be best in this world?
Then prove yourself and go ahead .God will make you bless and you will the best in this world .God bless you all .   

The Religion Days .Christmas.Eid And Diwail .

Every religion fixed few days for special celebrations .These days are very joyful and good for all followers of religion all over the world .In Christianity there are two biggest days ,1st Christmas and 2nd Ester .Same as Hinduism have also Holli and Diwali and Islam have 2 major days called Eid days .Today is a Eid day here in Pakistan  All followers of Islam celebrating their Eid day today .I saw people are too much happy .Everyone is looking good in new dresses .Peoples are exchanging gifts and visiting each other houses .

This is the thing which is common in all religions all over the world .Life becomes more beautiful when people cheers and smiles .The joys of life makes the relationship of people more strong .This is good for life .Even i do not believes on any religion. but i believes that in this world problems are increasing day by day and people of this world have no chance to celebrate their joys .Friends we have just few good moments in our lives so we have to enjoy them as good as we can .This thing will make us more happy when ever we shell remember our celebrations .

Enjoy your life and be happy .This life is so unique and good . This life is a greatest blessing of God .SO give thanks God for this beautiful life and enjoy your life ever .God bless you all .
All pictures are taken from Google

Say Goodby to your Sorrows And Weeping Because Life Is Beautiful

The real color of life shines when people smiles and cheers in their lives .Sorrows ,weepings and sadness makes life dull and bad even sometimes people loses their interest in life and even sometimes they may try to kill themselves . In that condition emotions and frustration goes up and even people considered  their own lives a meaningless .Anyway .This life is beautiful because it is the greatest blessing of God .Life is given us for joy and cheering not for sorrows and weeping .It is my own believes that God loves human beings more then every creature on earth then that is why when someone cry on earth God Himself do not feels good but when someone cheers and smiles on earth God feels happy and makes life more bless .

Life is becoming more complicated and difficult then the past .It is because the human population is increasing day by day that is why the needs of life are also increasing but life is losing its values .Today one thing is making my mind think about life .Everyone knows the rich people  on earth enjoying the real charms of life .They do not have worries ,sorrows and even they do not know how to weeps .They always live their lives as happy as they wants That is why God giving then more money daily for their life enjoyments .but the middle class and poor peoples always blames God for everything even for their good and bad also but they do not like to enjoy the real life .

The real life is the name of happy,joyful and cheering life .Problems are with all even rich and poor .So please do not take any tension about your problems but say goodby to your sorrows ,weeping and problems and be brave to face any type of life challenge .Then i assure you you will see smile on your face and then God will make your life more cheering and happy and you will feel bless and strong in your life     


The Very Fist Relationship On Earth .

The very first relationship on earth we got is called the relationship with parents .This is not an ordinary relationship but it is called blood relationship .This thing shows that a child is very lucky because he is fully blessed by God and the very first blessing he got from God before he opened his eyes in this world is the relationship with his parents . This is why parents loves their child more then their own lives .Even this world is running lots of relations but the most powerful and pure love relationship is called blood relationship .I remembered the days of my childhood when i was child i got each and everything that i desire .There were only my parents who try to provide me what i desire even sometimes they put their own desires behind and make possible to fulfill all of my desires .They always try to make me successful in life 

This is the rule of this world when a child becomes young and step up in other relations he forgot the meanings of relationship with his own parents even sometimes people do not cares about their own parents and left them alone in their old age .This change in life becomes more strong after getting marriage .Mostly young boys shows their great love to their wives but they do not remembers the love they got from their parents and even sometimes they disrespects their own parents just because of their wives .In some cases some people breaks their relationship with their own parents and left them alone when they need .
Friends jest after God there are only parents who loves you more then their own lives .Your parents have very short time and at this time you have to make possible to save your true relationship with your parents because your wife is with you until she is alive or until you are alive but your parents are in their ending life period and maybe they have no long time with you .So be careful and love your parents as they loves you .God bless you all .

Do Not Blame God For All Your Problems .

Each and everyone following one religion .That is why everyone believes that all is happening by the will of God .Even people believes that all good and bad is happening by the will of God .It is very major issue .No one try to find out the facts and reasons behind their problems .For example when someone meet to his death all other peoples says that it was the will of God .Even Bible says that death is not a God made thing it is because of sin .The labor of sin is death .God Himself says,I am The God of life .Jesus says ,I cam to this world because they may live more life .   

All these things shows that God is giving life not death .The most biggest thing that shows the blessings of God for life is that Jesus defeated death .That is why in this world birth rate is high then the death rate in this world .Every day life is defeating death .If 10 people meets to then 15 children's takes birth in this world that is why life is increasing day by day .

It is human nature that they always blames God for each and everything without thinking why  things are happening .In my thinking this is the cause of religion wrong believes and wrong teachings .Religion filled human mind with fear of God more then the love of God that is why everyone thinks that he is facing troubles just because of Gods will .

 God love life because life is because of God .He always wants to see life happy and cheering on earth then how is it possible that He Himself fall life is troubles ? Just feel the love of God and try to find out the reasons behind troubles in your life . But do not blame God for your problems and troubles .He is kind and mercy and loves you more then everything in this world .God bless you all 

Question About Life

Each and everyone in this world says life is beautiful ,yes it is true but its very hard and tough.When we were child we had no worries no t...