How to be successful in your relationship

Each and every single man or woman wants to be perfect tn their relationship and for that they fights against every obstacle in their lives .But sometimes some people becomes fail to maintain their relationship .It is because sometimes they commits some unfair acts even they know that their acts can destroy their own family relationship In this article i will tell you the most powerful thinks which can make your relationship stronger with your wife .
2:Trust Or Believe 
3:Love And Care 
5:Money And Business 
These are the major things which have great affects on your happy and successful relationship If you are fulfilling all these things in your life then you will found you the luckiest person of this world .Understanding makes you to strong in your relationship with your wife and the trust or believe is the only thing which makes your wife more closer to you day by day and you will get the real taste of love.The third thing is your true love and your true care for your wife can give you the real life but when babies comes in your life you and your wife becomes one part of one body but the major thing which have the most powerful effects on your relations is your business and the income you are earning for your family .It is because there is only money which can fulfill the whole needs of your family and that is why you have to be as strong in your finance as you are strong with your relationship and family 

There Is No Fear In Love Of God

there is one thing which is disturbing my life and thinking .Yesterday i was working and a car painter told me that we have to live with fear of God ,I said why he replied fear of God is the thing which makes us away from sins and brings us close to God .Even i am not agree at this point it is because each and every religion tells us that God loves us in every conditions even God love us with all of our sins and mistakes and He never let us alone ever .But on the other hands religions makes us fearful about God .Islam is a religion where you may get the lots of examples about the fear of God and the fear of the end of this world .Same as Hinduism and Christianity also teaches about the fear of God .Friends i want to ask you a question 
.Do we really need to live our lives in fear of God ?or
 Do we need to live our lives in love of God?  

I think most of you will reply we have to live in both fear and love also but i don,t think so it s because the creation of this world and creation of humans on earth is because of God,s Love .There is no space for fear in humans and God .It is because if you will love to your God you may come close to Him freely and you may ask Him anything what you want .God loves you and everyone because he makes you alive with His strong love .So please Grow your life in love of God regather then the fear.Love is the thing which makes your life happy and interesting and you may really enjoy your life fully .There is only love of God not fear because God loves you that is why He accepts you in every condition even with your sins .So please love your life and love to God because your life is the greatest example of the love of God . 

Try To Understand ,The Real Love Of God ....

Relations have great role in life because each and every relationship makes life interesting and beautiful but sometimes some relations makes life dull and boring and we may lost the real charm of life .Dear friends there is only love who is the base of each and every relationship .Because every relationship leading love .Our parents are together because of love we takes birth because of our parents love .we love feelings for them because we have great love in our hearts for them .Same as God created humans with love and He loves us even sometimes we may acts not good and commits sins but in-spite of our all mistakes and sins God did not like to leaves us alone and remains with us whole life because He have great love for us . 

Sometimes mistakes makes us feel bad and we may thinks that our life is meaningless and may be some people try to finish their lives with their own hands But they do not try to understand if someone heart them and they are feeling too much bad even they do not want to live any more and try to finish life then what God feels when someone try to finish his life even God love you in every condition even in your sins also .

This life is unique and it is the greatest blessing of God and there is only love of God behind this beautiful life .So  please love your life more then everything because only humans can make you disturbed with whom you love more then everything but the love of God is more then your every relationship and there is only God,s love who makes you to understand your relations ,feelings and emotions ,God bless you all 

Question About Life

Each and everyone in this world says life is beautiful ,yes it is true but its very hard and tough.When we were child we had no worries no t...